Thursday, March 17, 2011

Home part 1 Creepy Deserted Airport At 1 AM!!!!!!!

So I have achieved something that I never thought possible. I got somewhere without TOM TOM ( he is the GPS my parents gave me for Christmas and it is a tradition to name your GPS my mom’s is named Nora :)  and only got lost once!!!!! Well I didn’t really get lost I just thought I had missed my exit and got off to soon and called my mom in a panic ready to cry. Wait I mean I was being very grown up and handling the situation like the adult I am…. Ok who am I kidding I was really almost in tears, and I am far  far from an adult. But hey “You would cry to if it happened to you!” (Sorry random songs pop in to my head when I hear things). But really if you were lost in a city that neither you nor anyone else you know has every been to you would be a little stressed. 

Sorry back on topic, so after a 4 hour drive (250 Miles) of rain, slow drivers, more rain, even slower drivers, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on tape, and getting lost I made it to Portland. When I got there I almost left my phone in my car!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the nice bus driver man stopped and let me get it (so nice :) And mom there were no creepers on the bus to the airport because it was just me and the driver, who (after the conversation turned to me wanting to be a nurse) said that he remembered me from the hospital that he recently visited… yeah he was kinda old.

And now it is 1:30 am in the morning and I am not going to lie I am kinda freaked out to fall asleep because what if someone stills my stuff!!!!! Oh but wait how could my stuff get taken when……. 

There is no one here :O Well there is probably someone here but there is no one in my line of sight, but still it’s kinda creepy. So here I sit “In my own little corner” (sorry everything reminds me of some random song that I have heard). Its not really a corner, it was the first place I found with a plug that wasn’t really crowded (When there were people here).  But still, it sounds better than “My own little spot my by the plug in the wall, that I found far away from the really creepy people.”

But any who, I am really excited to come home I have missed my family and friends. I am also very excited to see the LHS musical, because I am a nerd and haven’t missed it for like 7 or 8 years. Yeah I know, I am a really big drama nerd, but oh well being odd makes life more fun :) Its almost 2am in the really creepy deserted airport terminal and I have nothing more to write about but I am super board and not really tired. Well I will see if there is anything on youtube. Oh wait I am not alone! A creepy man just walked bye!!! Wait maybe that is not a good thing? That means that I am stuck in airport full of creepy people for like 3 more, oh creepy women just walked bye!!!! Sorry I get easily distracted, but all this means is that I going to be stuck in an airport  for 3 more hours with CREEPERS !!!! Oh well ,hey the creepy women walked by again, weird :/

1 comment:

  1. Look at the growing experience you have had. I hope you remembered all of the safety tips I told you. I'm glad you didn't have to use any of them!!!



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