Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Birthdays

In the month of march my family now has 3 birthdays, Makalls is on the 7th (She turned 16 this year, wow she is getting big: :) And this is one my favorite pictures of her!!!!)
Kates is on the 28th she is 23, and Kendalls is on the 30th and he is…OLD!!! OK he is really only 29, but he is my oldest sibling-in-law, and its just fun to make fun of him :). But any who I was gone for Makalls birthday so I don’t have pictures but I know that she had fun(well she spent it at play practice which is my idea of fun, but I am a drama nerd so ya, but I think she had a fun birthday).  I was there for Katie and Kendalls birthday and filmed it!!!!! When it cuts out its when I took a picture.


 After they opened presents we had pie and Kendall couldn’t find the candles (they were in a drawer  next to the stove, right where Kate said they were go figure) so he improvised and this is what he came up with...
They are a paper towel roll that he cut in half. The next video is sideways but one of the candles like explodes so bare with me. Oh and P.S to all it may concern I was not allowed to light the “candles” so don’t worry. P.P.S I do not recommended using paper towel rolls as candles, because the get ash all over the cake (well we had a pie because its a tradition to have a pie on your birthday, and Kate hates cake).

All in all march was a fun birthday month, and I wish my sisters and really old brother-in-law a wonderful birthday!!!!  (I made it through an entire post without quoting one song and Happy birthday doesn't count :) see ya!!!)

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